K3PGP Experimenter's Corner
Solar Eclipse
The solar eclipse on Feb. 26, 1998 as recorded in my backyard at K3PGP NE USA.
The image appears slightly out of focus as I had to shoot through a slight cloud cover.
The silver color of the sun and some geometric disrtortion was caused by the aluminized filters used to reduce the intensity.
Photos Received via the Internet !
Moments before the Eclipse !
These low res images of totality were pulled off the internet in real time!
The above photos were captured from Network TV coverage
Video of the Eclipse as seen from Wx Satellite ! (Windows Media 8 Format 140 k)
Video of the Eclipse as seen from Wx Satellite ! (Approx 150 k)
^Requires Intel Video 5.0 (or later) codec!
Video of the Eclipse as seen from Wx Satellite ! (Approx 99 k)
^Lower quality but will run with older Intel Video 3.2 codec.
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