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Sci.Electronics.Repair (S.E.R) FAQ - V2.9992 (11/30/98)
Main Table of Contents (ToC)

Important Notice:All of the FAQs in this directory have finally been restored and are accessible from here but most are actually links to some of our other mirror sites. The purpose of these gyrations is to keep traffic down on RepairFAQ.org until we have a better feel for how much we can handle.

The Expanded ToC lists all S.E.R FAQ files of mine (Sam) resident at this site. This may be convenient if you are attempting to locate or download a particular photo, schematic, or other file not referenced directly by the top level ToC.

[Document Version: 2.9992] [Last Updated: 11/30/98]
You may get ShOcKeD if you don't read these Notes on Safety V1.25 (12KB)
Samuel M. Goldwasser's "Notes on the Troubleshooting and Repair of...":

Samuel M. Goldwasser "Other Repair Information":

Samuel M. Goldwasser "LASERS: Safety, Info, Links, Parts, Types, Drive, Construction":

Samuel M. Goldwasser "General (Mostly Electronics) Information and Links":

"How to repair..." from other sources:

"Helpful References":

And some remote sites of interest:

Hint: The newsgroup sci.electronics.repair deals with the finer and more specific points of these notes.

Please read the [Sci.electronics.* Guide for more information and before deciding WHERE to post!

This article was written by WebAdmin [mailto]. The most recent version is available on the WWW server http://www.repairfaq.org/ [Copyright] [Disclaimer]